Friday, October 31, 2014

Women understand the actual difference between Democrats and Republicans and how crucial it is to elect Democrats to positions in both State and Federal government. Because our asses and our ability to actually retain jurisdiction and control over our own asses are actually on the line. And a centrist Democrat will still protect my ass from the Republican maniacs who are trying to jam an ultrasound probe up my ass, against my will. That is a real fucking difference.

A Congress with a supermajority of liberal, progressive and centrist Democrats will be a fuckload better than a Congress that has juuuuust enough GOP assholes to continue jamming up every progressive initiative.

A Congress with a supermajority of liberal, progressive and centrist Democrats WILL be able to pass Immigration Reform and stop destroying Latino families;

A Congress with a supermajority of liberal, progressive and centrist Democrats WILL be able to protect women's right to control our own bodies, our reproductive health and our own destinies, OH -- and to stop Koch-financed Zombie State governments from raping us with ultrasound probes, which, and this is so sweet, those fuckers will then make US WOMAN pay for out of our own pockets. That doesn't happen under Centrist Democrats.

Harry Reid wouldn't want his own wife to get an abortion, but he does not give a fuck if I do.

A Congress with a supermajority of liberal, progressive and centrist Democrats WILL be able to pass measures to slow the release of carbon into the atmosphere...and to slow and possibly reverse the progression of Climate Change.

A Congress with a supermajority of liberal, progressive and centrist Democrats WILL be able to get the fuck rid of the Sequester and start funding SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH!!! Hooraaaaaaay!!!!

A Congress with a supermajority of liberal, progressive and centrist Democrats WILL be able to pass funding for INFRASTRUCTURE REBUILDING -- Roads and Bridges and Updating and upgrading the Grid....which will ...SSSSHhhhhhhhhh, (stimulate the economy and reinvigorate the Middle Class).... Infrastructure is like a tax break for the rich and corporations that those fuckers have to share with all of us! It's like a tax break for the rich conditioned on it being reinvested into specific projects that benefit everybody, not just those greedy McFuckers.

A Congress with a supermajority of liberal, progressive and centrist Democrats WILL be able to pass a minimum wage hike, which will also exert an upward pressure to raise wages that are already above the minimum wage. Not only that, but when you raise the wages of the lowest-earning working poor, WHAT HAPPENS??? THEY SPEND THAT MONEY, PUTTING IT BACK INTO THE ECONOMY....HOOORAAAAYYY!!! And that stimulates the economy even more!!! YAY MINIMUM WAGE!!!

A Senate with a majority of liberal, progressive and centrist Democrats will confirm liberal and non-crazy Justices to the Supreme Court and to the Federal Courts. So when Antonin Scalia, that reactionary, fascist piece of shit DIES, the whole composition of the Court will change from Asshole to majority liberal, pro-separation of Church and State, and pro-choice! Hooraaaaay!!!

A Congress with a supermajority of liberal, progressive and centrist democrats WILL be able to pass a Constitutional Amendment that holds that MONEY IS NOT FUCKING SPEECH and that will overrule Citizens United and set in motion the process that will return the control of government to The People from the super wealthy, the industrial lobbyists and corporations.

That is the fucking difference, and that is why even those lily-livered Blue Dog Democrats are worlds better than the World of Shit brought to us by the Obstructionist, Fascist GOP.

And oh by the way, you're seeing Democrats right now as centrist and annoying as fuck because the states with Senate seats open are almost all traditionally Red States or Purple States. That is why Alison Grimes is humping rifles and french-kissing coal. She also will not jam an ultrasound probe up my hiney against my will. Neither will Hillary.

One last thing, a Congress with a supermajority of liberal, progressive and centrist democrats WILL be able to block the GOP from imposing a Sexual Intercouse Tax on women, where we work the same as men, but instead of having birth control covered under health insurance, we have to pay for it out of our own pockets, a tax of anywhere from $600-$1200 annually, while men get to fuck us baby-free for nothing. Grover Fucking Norquist some of that mother fuckers!

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