Monday, December 15, 2008

Throwing Shoes at George Bush is WRONG!

It's no secret that I can't bloody stand President George W. Bush.


I object mightily, however, to the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at the President during a joint news conference with Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Sunday. Shoe-throwing may seem a small offense in comparison to the war crimes Bush stands accused of in the forum of world opinion, and ultimately, I hope, in a court of law. Bush's own wrongdoing, however, remains irrelevant.

The crux of Bush's offenses turn on his lawlessness: his unlawful invasion of Iraq and his flouting of the Geneva Convention and of the United States Constitution. Another act of lawlessness -- an assault against an individual and an act of aggression against a visiting head of state -- remains unjustifiable. Two wrongs do not make a right.

A shoe is the least of what I would like to throw at George W. Bush. More than anything, however, I would like to throw the book at him: specifically, my very thick book of United States Constitutional Law and my book of international law, including the laws against torture.

The act not only dishonored George Bush. It dishonored the office of the United States Presidency. It also dishonored the rule of law, which is the very foundation upon which civilization stands. Those proclaiming Muntader al-Zaidi a folk hero might well argue that the journalist dishonored the office no more than President Bush himself has, during his disastrous 8-year reign. That doesn't make the shoe-throwing incident right.

Those who ache for the restoration of respect for human rights must practice such respect for precisely those individuals we personally revile the most. If we cannot protect them and levy punishment in accordance with the rule of law, then we cannot protect anyone.


Ruby Isabella said...

I agree. Shoe throwing, like growling or showing your teeth, comes out of frustration and doesn't achieve anything constructive. It is better to show respect by giving licks or avoiding the situation. What we focus on we get more of. So big licks to Obama.

Anonymous said...

We need a new Epiphany - how about a monthl???

Delilah and Rocket said...

WOW! While I thought it was kinda funny I also thought it was very sad and I could not agree with you more about throwing the constitutional book at GWB!